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Sharman Joshi Personal Year

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sharman joshi Numerology

Born on: 28th April, 1979

Raju of 3idiots, Sukhi of Rang De Basanti and Laxman of Golmal, Sharman was born on 28 th April, 1979 in Mumbai and his faterh is Arvind Joshi. He married Prerna Chopra and has a daughter. He is also a theatre actor and did some works in regional films. He appeared in the film Godmother in 1999 but became the lead actor in Style. His latest release is Mission Mangal. He won IIFA award for 3Idiots in 2010. He hosted a television show called PokerFace. His gujrati play All The Best did over 550 shows. He sang the famous song Give Me Some Sunshine from the film 3Idiots.

Personal Year

He is with vision, practicality, managerial talents, and determination to reach the goal. He will face some specific targets and priorities that can affect his career in the long run. He is all about making the most out of his professional pursuits. He needs to set up the latest goals which he can chase. For now, is the time to move forward. He is not to set unrealistic expectations. His aim must be realistic. He needs to work for the promotion or start making a beautiful garden backyard, the only shortcut is perfect planning and meticulous hard work. Sharman Joshi is also advised to devote his energy of health and wellness.

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